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AI Doesn’t Have an Opinion. We Do.

Yacht Business Newsletter - Sailing, Marine, AI, Disruption

The world is about to be awash with machine generated content. All those articles that have been rehashed annually by every yacht and sailing magazine will be put through ChatGPT and churned out to feed the feed. But – Artificial Intelligence language models have two flaws. They tend towards the average, and they are programmed not to have an opinion.

We aren’t fans of average and we definitely have opinions, and so we’re launching an email newsletter with the following objectives

  1. Curate relevant stories to save you time and keep you up to date.
  2. Weed out the AI generated content and call out AI content when we see it and where it hasn’t been attributed.
  3. Add our commentary and opinion to stories using real-world insight that the AIs just don’t have.
  4. Create a channel for discussion.

Moving forward, the newsletter will have dedicated sections for different parts of the business including yacht racing. We will also be creating our own content and providing transcripts of podcasts.

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